Saturday, April 7, 2012

Positive Youth Development

In this presentation I am going to discuss positive youth development. Positive youth development is used to help youth reach their full potential. Research shows that the more exposure adolescents have to positive experiences, the more likely they will develop positively. Physical and institutional resources, such as family support, are essential for positive youth development. Also individual assets, such as skills, talents and resiliency are also important. These provide adolescents with routines and structure to help achieve. This presentation is going to go over the "Five C's" of positive youth development. It will also go over the "6th C," which occurs when a child is thriving. Eating dinner together as a family and having a child participate in after school activities is important in positive development.


Zarrett, N.,  & Lerner, R. (2008). “Ways to Promote Positive Development of Children and Youth.” A Child Trends Research Brief. 

1 comment:

Mishel said...

It's too bad that we often except teens to reach the 6th C, contribution, without helping them with the first five. I think the ultimate societal goal is to prepare the next generation to be responsible citizens, it's nice to see some steps to help teens get there.